What Are Bathroom Signs and Types of Bathroom Signs

Great bathrooms can make for great workplaces, and bathroom signs play a big part in that. That's why these signs are some of the most important ones you will install. What Are Bathroom Signs? Signs for bathrooms are ones used to guide people to the toilet, label the bathroom door, and decorate the bathroom. They go by other names, too, including "restroom signs", "washroom signs", and "WC signs". You can pick up pre-designed ladies’ restroom signs and men’s restroom signs or customize them to suit your business. Many of our customers like to design their own signs, incorporating their brand colors and matching the ambiance of the business. What Are the Different Types of Bathroom Signs You Can Get? Think signs for the bathroom, and your mind will immediately go to the men's, women's, and accessible signs (like the ones below). However, those signs just scratch the surface of what you can do. A great bathroom can make the visitor experience m...